For those of us who don’t want to sit idly by and let life simply happen to us, we are motivated to try to choose our futures. We dream about the many things we want to see, to do, to learn, and to experience. And we have a healthy fear of time slipping away if we aren’t proactive about pursuing our interests. The trouble with dreams is that we too frequently don’t give them enough importance or priority.
In the meantime, life does have a habit of getting in the way of all those things we want to pursue. So how do we stop the time-wasting habit of letting those dreams slip away too easily? There are many different actions we can take to keep that from happening, for the most part. The challenge is being disciplined enough to put those actions into place. Our day-to-day lives and routines give us comfort and direction. But those routines also make time fly by and before we know it, another year has gone by without getting to do some of those wonderful things we dream about.
So maybe we should examine our priorities first. Why not put the same discipline and steps around those wonderful dreams and intentions as we give our routine, day-to-day tasks? We make sure our beds are made, the cable bill is paid, and our reports are done on time. Our life ambitions are certainly worth the effort – if not more than the mundane. Have you ever stopped to think about powerful it is to actually put intention around those dreams? What could really be possible if we devoted some time to figuring out how to make them happen.
Need some help in giving those dreams the attention they truly deserve? Ask yourself these questions. Write them down and look at them every day. Here’s the fuel that will get you going and get you out of the boring day-to-day routine that basically sabotages you from getting what you really want!
1) If you aren’t going to make those dreams a reality, who will do it for you? In case you’re not sure, the answer is: no one. So it’s your choice. No one can deny you that dream. Give it the importance it deserves. Visit it every day.
2) Why would you deny yourself the gift of getting what you want? If there is even the slightest chance of making a dream come true, isn’t every bit of your efforts worth it? We all know the best bet is on ourselves. Give yourself the chance for it to happen. How? More on that here.
3) What’s one of the best feelings in the world? Pride. Pride in ourselves? Aren’t you worth it? Doesn’t it feel fantastic when you set out to do something and you make it happen? Pride in our efforts and accomplishments is probably one of the top 5 emotions we can enjoy.
4) What are you really afraid of? Hopefully nothing and you’re just letting life pass you by. But if there’s a genuine fear that’s holding you back, there’s also enough free resources and willing people available in this world who would gladly help you face and overcome that fear.

5) Are you being true to yourself? Are you living the best life? Are you living up to what will really matter to you? Gosh I sure hope so, because the alternative is disappointing and sad. And is that really necessary?
6) What can I do today to keep making progress? Aha! Action! Any kind of action moving forward and giving those plans their proper attention will pay you back with results.
Ask yourself these questions and don’t accept excuses. Be willing to invest in yourself. It’s the best bet you’ll ever make. Are you wondering what simple actions you can take to prioritize those dreams?
The first thing you must do is to bring those dreams to life by getting them out of your brain and into a format that you can touch and feel. It’s not hard, simply write them down. Make a list of those things you want to do, to become, to experience. And here’s a super simple exercise that will guide you through an even easier way to do it. The April Monthly Breakthrough has a great idea on how to bring your vision to life. Check it out here.
Right now I know so many people are struggling with the thought of starting a business. That dream is bugging them day and night.

They can’t stop thinking about all the possibilities of doing something they love, being their own boss, making money on their own terms, and living a life that is fulfilling and exciting. This is definitely one of those dreams that our day-today routines squashes and finds a way to make them fade. Now is the time to look into starting that business.
Entrepreneurship flourishes in times of economic downturn. The Great Resignation and the pandemic has made us all re-think our work lives. And the best part, it has made us re-prioritize life. That’s why so many are re-igniting those dreams that they have let fade away.
For many others, starting a business is a new dream. After years of working experience, they have seen the best and worst in business and they know they can thrive in their own version. These are the folks I want to know. They are full of energy, they have so much to offer. They make things happen. And they live that dream. My dream is to help them get there. It’s my perfect day. It makes me proud. And it is so important, and fulfilling. How can I help you make your dream business a priority?

Jodi Henson is a small business expert, author, entrepreneur and founder of The Softer Side of Success (www.thesoftersideofsuccess.com). She works with aspiring and existing small business owners to help them overcome challenges and attain their goals. If you are looking to define your next steps, contact her at jodi@thesoftersideofsuccess.com.
Do you have a business idea but you're not sure if it will work? Before you invest in inventory, signing a lease, hiring a lawyer, or building a website, do the due diligence to be sure your idea will be successful. Click here for more information.