Welcome To my world!

Talking about myself....isn't this always the hardest part? It's tough to try to tell others about ourselves without seeming to brag, be attention-seeking, or self-serving. Oh well, deep breath, here goes....

Professionally, I am a business consultant and forever an entrepreneur. As an advisor with the Florida SBDC (Small Business Development Center), I consult with existing and prospective small business owners in northeast Florida on all things about small business. Here are just a few of the areas on which I work with my clients - marketing, finance, strategic planning, writing business plans, starting a business, social media, hiring and firing, getting a bank or SBA loan, and how to grow a business. One of the things I love about the SBDC is that every day contains different sets of challenges and opportunities for my clients and I get to help them succeed and achieve their goals.

As An Entrepreneur
I have a passion for entrepreneurship and love all the activities involved in that life path. Helping others achieve goals is something at which I excel. And sharing great resources, "hacks", tidbits of information that can help others in their life journey is what gives me an adrenaline rush. As such, I consume quite a bit of information daily. In fact, due to my various activities, I am fortunate to have access to loads and loads of fantastic information and tools. My perfect work environment is helping others bring their dreams or ideas to fruition. That's why I founded The Softer Side of Success. Please be sure to go over to that site to get lots of free goodies to help you pursue your passion and move forward in your life!
These values envelope my personal philosophy and are reflected in how I provide solutions and deliver value to others. I prefer concise, meaty, and honest dialogue, output, and results. Time is precious and I am always hyper-aware of the valuable time my clients spend with me. I work to get the best results in an efficient amount of time. In this, you can always count on me.
Pragmatic Inspiring Reliable

Me & My Family
A few personal things about me: 1) I am so honored to have an amazing family and 2) my family is big and fun! I am married to Dirk, who I describe to others as "the world's nicest person.", which he truly is. Everybody loves him, I was lucky enough to get him. Dirk and I share five children between us and quite frankly we are so dang blessed. While each of us is very different in our own rights, it's a wonderful mix of personalities, wit, abilities, and love. Our children are young adults and let me just say that having a family dinner together is one of the most enjoyable times one can have. Just try to get a word in edgewise and the belly laughs are guaranteed. Dirk and I love watching them grow and mature and we are so proud of the citizens they have grown up to become.

In General
Those who know me best know that I am a non-stop worker with a focus and a passion for achieving goals. I am highly organized and I am a planner. If I have been given an assignment or objective, it is almost unbearable for me to not complete it (for work or for play). I like to work from facts and I love to learn.
My definition of a perfect evening is having a terrific dinner (that Dirk has grilled) with friends and family at our house and enjoying the lovely north Florida weather. Finish that dinner with something sweet - I have an insatiable sweet tooth - and I'm fulfilled! We live on an island, which we truly believe is our own slice of paradise. And we simply adore our dog, Bear (seen below as a puppy and as the handsome and spoiled brute that he is today.

I do love helping people, especially those who are committed and willing to work hard. If you want to know more about my background I suggest you look me up on my LinkedIn profile. And by all means, feel free to email me!
I look forward to hearing from you!.